
Donate to Help a Rescued Animal

Our Mission
Home For Life Cat Sanctuary (HFLCS) is a "no-kill" Sanctuary and Rescue dedicated to helping the homeless animal find a forevermore home. HFLCS is a Missouri 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation licensed by the Missouri Department of Agriculture as an Animal Shelter.
Our Sanctuary currently houses a designated number of Felines with needs such as FELV/FIV positive, Diabetic, Medical, and Behavior Issues. Through our Rescue, we offer an aggressive adoption program for both Canines and Felines. We promote and practice spay/neuter and responsible pet ownership.

Sponsor A Sanctuary Feline
This is "Heath". A long time resident of the Sanctuary, "Heath" began his life at the Sanctuary as a 6 month old kitten who was feral. As he aged, he developed Diabetes and now receives insulin injections twice daily. A quiet, gentle fellow "Heath" lives with two other roommates.
Monthly Sponsorship - $25.00
Sponsorships are also available
semi-annually and annually.
You receive a picture and story of your sponsor and updates. Featured sponsors change monthly. If you would like to sponsor a feline with a specific need such as Feline Leukemia or FIV, contact us for felines that are available.
Adoptable Dogs / Cats

Visit Facebook HFLCS or
HFLCS Sanctuary/Rescue Weekly
to see our Adoptable Canines and Felines
See them at Petsmart, in the Primrose
Shopping Center, Springfield, MO Mobile Adoption Hours
Saturday 9 am. to 4 p.m.

Facebook.com/HFLCS Sanctuary/Rescue
Bison Acres Flea Market, Highway 65 North, Buffalo, Mo - Open 9 to 5 Tuesday through Saturday
Vendor with Booth 6 donates all the proceeds to our organization. If you have animal items such as wire cages, pet taxi's, bowls, toys, dog houses or cat furniture to donate, EMAIL sanctuaryhflcs@gmail.com.